About Us
Practical Business Systems is a small software development company with a passion for helping small businesses. Our president, Jose Ferrer, spent more than twenty-five years working for large companies and has set out to deliver to small businesses some of the same technology that the larger ones enjoy.
One of the main ways we meet the needs of small businesses is through our expertise in the open-source community. There are thousands of programs readily available in the public domain. Some do a great job, some are nothing more than hope. By analyzing these programs, we can select the ones we trust to do what you need them to. Without license fees to drive up costs, these solutions can be developed at a fraction of the cost of proprietary systems. Of course, if your budget allows, we can also make the sky the limit - but where's the challenge in that?
Call us today and let us help you find a solution that fits your budget and your software needs.
PH: 864.242.6896
