Practical Business Systems | 86 Carpin Dr., Greenville, SC 29611 | | Ph: 864.242.6896


Why should I have a professional build my website?

Many people have a friend, neighbor, or relative capable of building a website, and willing to build it for free or for a nominal fee. While that might sound like a great way to save money, in the long run, it can be quite costly. If your business requires only a simple web presence - a one or two page site designed to just let the world know you exist - then Cousin Bob's expertise might be sufficient. But if you need a complex site with multiple pages or special features such as a shopping cart, password protected area, or search engine optimization, using anyone less than a trained website developer will likely come back to haunt you. Bad code, poorly documented procedures, weak architecture, faulty shortcuts, or random guesswork can result in error messages, system crashes, extended downtime, and multiple hours of labor to track down and identify the problem. At Practical Business Systems, we'll work with your budgetary restrictions to recommend a website that's right for your business. And because of our modular design approach, you may get what you want for less than you expected.

How long does it take to build a website?

That depends on how complex a website you need and how readily you supply the required information. A basic web presence with only a few standard features can be built in just a few days once all the details are locked in and the content and graphic images are on hand. An e-commerce site can take from one to three months, depending on the number of pages and features. We like to aim for a six-week turnaround with our e-commerce sites; often that deadline has to be extended because we end up waiting for clients to provide critical information. The more prepared you are, the quicker we can get you on the Internet.

I'm just a small business. Do I really need the Internet?

Small businesses have more to gain from the Internet than anyone else, because it offers you the same opportunity for exposure as your biggest competitor. Unlike with newspaper or broadcast advertising, where the one with the biggest bank account wins, with a well-designed, professionally-built website, you can go head to head with the big guys. What matters is your functionality, not your marketing budget.

Can I put video footage on my website?

We wish you would! Like the old adage says, "a picture is worth a thousand words" and people love to see what they're buying. We have a top-notch team of video professionals on our staff who can handle every aspect of video, from scriptwriting to shooting to editing, and many of our clients are beginning to take advantage of this latest technological treat. We recommend something short - a one to four minute overview of your product or service - that will compel visitors to your website to pick up the phone and call you for more information. Many times, you can get double duty out of your video footage - using it for trade shows and sales presentations, as well as online.