Practical Business Systems | 86 Carpin Dr., Greenville, SC 29611 | | Ph: 864.242.6896


At Practical Business Systems, our primary business is IT consulting services, but our expertise extends to all aspects of business services. We are strong both in programming and creativity, which means you get products that look good and do what they're supposed to - which is pretty important.

One of the defining differences of our company is our modular approach to solutions. Basically, this means that, instead of reinventing the wheel every time we need something round, we use the one we already invented. Sometimes, we'll have to modify the wheel to make it suit the situation; other times, it's a perfect fit as is. In either case, we don't waste time coming up with a solution that already exists and our clients don't waste money paying for unnecessary labor. The end result is that we're frequently able to give our customers a product tailored to their specific needs for far less than they expect.

In particular, we specialize in the following:

Integrated Website Websites

Our expertise is in fully optimized e-commerce sites, although we build everything from simple one-page web presence sites to complex ones with streaming video, member log-ins, shopping carts, calendars, contact forms, mailing lists and every other bell and whistle you can think of. We have copywriters on staff to help with content, graphic designers to suggest optimal layouts and colors, programmers to create code for user-friendly functionality, and analysts to help you track performance every step of the way. If you're going to have a website - and in today's economy, every business must - you need one worth your time and investment. We like to go one step further and give you a website that will return that investment - several times over.

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions

Though Practical Business Systems is well known for our expertise in website development, our knowledge of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and programming in general, means we can offer guidance in many areas of your business. As experienced software developers and systems analysts, our familiarity with the myriad computer programs available today can be genuinely helpful in finding those best suited to your company's needs. There are hundreds of choices for accounting information systems, for example, and this is an area in which we especially like to live up to the "Practical" part of our name.

Practical Business Systems is, at its heart, a small business consultant with a constant eye on your bottom line, and we know it's easy for a small company to spend thousands of dollars on an accounting system and be no better off than when they started. We also know it's impossible to move ahead without a clear picture of your financial situation and a reliable way to track your inventory, assets, and expenses. After many months of exhaustive research, we have made Quick Books Enterprise Solutions our recommended choice and have affiliated with Quick Books' parent company, Intuit, as a Certified Solution Provider. Geared specifically to the needs of small business, Quick Books Enterprise Solutions accommodates up to thirty simultaneous users, lets you customize in excess of 120 different forms and reports, integrates with more than 200 QuickBooks-compatible business applications, offers automatic product upgrades, handles payroll and other routine business applications, easily monitors hundreds of thousands of vendors, customers, and products, and offers unlimited 24/7 technical support. Our partnership with Intuit allows us to leverage our collective expertise in mid-market business solutions to provide you with optimized products, solutions and worry-free integration and support services.

Whether you're a one-man operation just trying to track accounts payable and accounts receivable, or a growing business in search of a comprehensive system to control everything from payroll to inventory, we can get you set up with an accounting solution tailored to your specific needs.

Read more about Quick Books solutions here, or give us a call and we'll be happy to demonstrate why Quick Books Enterprise Solutions is the Practical choice for accounting systems.

Time and Billing System Time and Billing Systems

A time and billing system allows you to track labor allocations and costs which, in turn, allows you to track your billing. In just a few keystrokes, you can pull reports detailing everything from monthly overviews to hour-by-hour accounting. Ours is a flexible system which allows for remote data entry; multiple billing rates, even for the same client; multiple projects within a single category; and easy generation of invoices. We've been told our T&B system is one of the simplest and most user-friendly out there; if you're in the market, this could be the system you need.

Contact Management System Contact Management Systems

Contact management is a critical component of any company. Access to ready and accurate data such as primary decision makers, product details, last contact made, and current status of prospects is vital--especially if your company is in a growth phase. If you've struggled to make an off-the-shelf CM system fit your needs, talk to us about building a customized one for you instead, or see if we can adapt what you're currently using. Chances are, we already have many of the components you need and you can get the system you want without spending a fortune.

PH: 864.242.6896