Practical Business Systems | 86 Carpin Dr., Greenville, SC 29611 | | Ph: 864.242.6896

eTrader's Mall

Back in the good old days, when people had goods to buy and sell, they'd simply head for the nearest trading post. Then computers came along and, well, things got really complicated.

Now, e-Trader's Mall is making life simple again:

  • Have something to sell? Post it right here - no handling charge, no headache, no hassle.
  • Looking to buy? Help yourself! It's all between you and the seller.

No more watching and waiting to see if somebody's willing to pay your price, or wondering if you're going to be outbid. At eTraders Mall, the seller sets the price, the buyer pays the price, the seller sends the item, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Post as many items as you like; buy as many items as you like. It won't cost you a thing, because we make our money through advertising. We're just here to help folks find each other.

So, come on, y'all - check out eTrader's Mall!

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